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Collect, analyse and reduce CO2 travel emissions

Eco Trip collect icon Eco Trip collect icon Eco Trip collect icon

Eco Trip is a scalable platform to track employee CO2 travel emissions. From the daily commute to globe spanning business trips,
it gives you all the information you need in order to make smart, informed decisions about how to reduce the carbon footprint of your business.
The best bit is that as well as saving the planet, it can reduce costs too.

So get on board, and let's go for an Eco Trip! ​



Eco Trip collect emissions data

Each employee uses the Eco Trip app to log their daily commutes and business travel. This can
be as simple as the employee entering their address and specifying their mode of transport.
Eco Trip will do the rest.


Eco Trip - analyse emmissiond data

Employers see a summary of all the CO2 emissions from employee-travel in the online control panel,
along with suggested strategies for reducing them. ​


Eco Trip - reduce emissions

Reduction strategies, such as car sharing, more environmentally-friendly transport options etc,
are implemented. Savings are forecast, both in terms of CO2 emissions, and financially.





Environmental Credentials Profitability Staff Health
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Environmental Credential Profitability Staff Health


Free time Profitability Staff Health
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Free Time Disposable Income Health


Helping reach the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals



/ SDG 13 / As the world faces catastrophic climate change, we hope to make a difference by providing a global solution to reduce CO2 emissions from employee travel. It is crucial to inspire everyone to contribute to create awareness and motivation to make the most environmentally- friendly choices, to have a shared vision, and shared goals, if we are to be successful in our mission to fight climate change.

SDG-goal-11 SDG-goal-17 SDG-goal-9 SDG-goal-12


/ SDG 11 / Eco Trip encourages users to make sustainable choices when it comes to transport, which will help reduce air pollution within cities.

/ SDG 17 / The Eco Trip distributed input model encourages everyone within the organisation to contribute which means everyone feels like they are making a difference!


/ SDG 9 / Eco Trip is an innovative solution tracking all emissions from travel.

/ SDG 12 / Eco Trip presents the key information of finding the least-polluting travel options in a simple way that allows for easy comparison between modes of transport.


Lead the way on climate action by signing your business up to taking part in the Eco Trip pilot scheme, coming soon *

Sign Me Up!

* Limited spaces available. The pilot scheme will include a small selection of businesses to help us refine the Eco Trip experience.

Eco trip is developed with support from